This is a fast, versatile dish. You can use virtually any green from the CSA share. Currently greens are abundant at the farm. They cook down small so go ahead and use up the few bunches you’ve stock piled in the refrigerator from the last few shares.
Suggested greens: Dandelion, Chard, Kale, Spinach, Beet Greens
Making the pasta
1st: Start your water to boil for the noodles.
2nd: Prepare the greens
note- The main thing to remember is that you may want to de-rib or de-stem the greens before use. This will help it not to be stringy. I make the greens first by washing, preparing, and sautéing the greens in olive or coconut oil. Sometimes I like to add garlic and herbs. Ready in minutes. You’ll know they are ready when they are tender and sweet.
3rd: Boil your noodles. And strain.
Lastly: Mix the greens and noodles with a little more olive oil, salt and pepper and add the goat cheese tossing gently.